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Over 10 Ways to Use Royal Clay for Health Maintenance

Clay & water are the most ancient health remedies of all time for both human and animal. It is my belief that they will be among the ultimate remedies of the future as well.

The source for the Royal Clay, was discovered within a few miles of Crater Lake, Oregon, long revered by many as a Royal site and prized for its pristine beauty. The ley lines and vortex surrounding Crater Lake infuses the silica matrix of the clays, adding power and mystique to their already remarkable properties.


Royal Cay Capsules

  • Origins of Royal Clay


    Clay has been used for thousands of years, yet its extraordinary healing powers are just beginning to be understood.


    Royal Clay is a pyrophyllite clay.


    The clay shimmers with electronic energy.


    The crystalline lattice structure of clay allows it to store energy and then re-emit it in a useful form as needed.


    Pyrophyllite clay is a potent alchemical agent promoting the transformation and transmission of electromagnetic energy.


    Pyrophyllite clay is a natural product, uncontaminated by man or his environment.


    There are a few characteristics about pyrophyllite that are different and may explain the exceptional results experienced when using the Royal Clay in baths, poultices, body wraps and internally.


    The power of this clay to detoxify, nourish and rejuvenate the body.


    Pyrophyllite clay was formed underground, beginning as a boiling lava soup (boiling rock), and eventually cooling due to the interaction with underground aquifer water.


    The combination of immense underground pressures and steam from contact with the aquifer waters renowned in the area caused the molten rock to transform into this clay.

    The electromagnetic properties seem to have been retained to a greater extent compared to the lava ash clays.


    Pyrophyllite's rich electrolyte content;

    · containing 5 electrolytes in rather significant quantities

    · including calcium (Ca2+)

    · magnesium (Mg2+)

    · potassium (K+)

    · sulfate (SO42-)

    · sodium (Na+)

    along with 3 more to a lesser degree including

    · chloride (Cl-)

    · phosphate (PO42-)

    · hydrogen carbonate (HCO3-)

    very well could be the reason for the enhanced elecromagnetic qualities


    Pyrophyllite clay is a very rare and unique amorphous silica clay ("noncrystalline; without definite form or apparent structure")


    Over 65 minerals and trace minerals in a natural, proportioned balance, pyrophyllite rich mineral content is further enhanced by numerous rare earths and monatomic elements.


    Pyrophyllite clay is almost 60% silica - the prime mineral required for strengthening bone and rebuilding body tissues.


    Roughly 50% of this silica is amorphous while the other 10% is quartz, providing both plants and human a good balance of available silica resources.


    The clay was formed near the high energy Crater Lake.
    Pyrophyllite also possesses extraordinary qualities uncommon to other clays.


    Pyrophyllite clay's rich silica content gathers and holds the Crater Lake energies.


    Kinesiology tests consistently indicates strong positive responses for the clay's value in addressing a body's needs.


    The Name 'Pyrophyllite"


    "Pyrophyllite gets its name from the Greek words for fire and leaf as in "fire-leaf". Phyllite is named after the Greek word for leaf as well, in allusion to its flaky fracture.


    Pyrophyllite gets its name from the fact that it exfoliates when water is driven off upon heating, leaving a flaky mass.


    The flakes are actually the silicate sheets the bespeaks of pyrophyllite's potent absorptive structure.


    "Pyrophyllite is a member of the phyllosilicates, or "leaf" silicates, which have a sheet-like structure.


    The phyllosilicates form stacks of silicate layers that are composed of SiO4 tetrahedrons.


    The sheets are not directly linked above or below to the next silicate sheets.


    "In pyrophyllite, two silicate layers are sandwiched in between the so called gibbsite layer. Gibbsite, AL(OH)3, is its own mineral and is composed of octahedrally coordinated aluminums surrounded by six hydroxides.

    The gibbsite layer (G) in pyrophyllite is identical to gibbsite's structure except that four of the hydroxides are replaced by four oxygens from the silicate layers (S).

    The overall structure of pyrophyllite can be imagined as stacked S-G-S sandwiches.


    The bonding between these sandwiches is nearly nonexistent and gives rise to pyrophyllite's softness and perfect cleavage."


    Formation of Pyrophyllite Clay


    Pyrophyllite clay, called Royal Clay and/or Ee Wah Kee (Clay that Heals) was created millions of years ago, when a huge cataclysmic event in North America, near an area that is now known as Crater Lake, Oregon, caused a thermal vent in the earth's crust to open allowing mineral rich magma from deep within the earth to rise to the surface. A volcanic eruption which blew off the top of the volcano which is now Crater Lake in Oregon.


    The surface of the magma cooled down and created an air tight cap, keeping the magma sealed and uncontaminated for millions of years.

    The magma continued to cook at about 3-500 degrees, through what is known as a hydrothermal action, creating hydrothermally altered dacite porphyry (a highly condensed mineral soup).

    The last ice age, the glaciers melted , moving downwards from the mountains, the cap was removed, causing the lava to cool.

    The cooled down lava decomposed into this unique and extraordinary gift from the earth: pyrophyllite clay.


    The Latest Science on Royal Clay

    Lynda Williams of Arizona State University researched with the clays and their antibacterial properties.

    She indicated that there were three clays that successfully eliminated the buruli flesh-eating bacteria.

    The other clays did not.



    • Illite Clay also known as a French Green, the location of the deposit was unknown. (A second French Green Clay did not eliminate the bacteria).
    • Calcium Bentonite from only one source, again, the exact location of the deposit was unknown.
    • Pyrophyllite Clay - otherwise known as Royal Clay, Ee Waa Kee (Clay that Heals) the source of which is drawn from the region nearCrater Lake, Oregon.



    · None of the other clays tested were successful at eliminating the buruli bacteria.


    A few of the many benefits derived from the use of pyrophyllite clay are:


    · ease detoxification,

    · beauty enhancement

    · health and nutrition

    · clay baths

    · clay poultices

    · clay facial masks

    · clay packs

    · clay foot baths

    · increasing crop yields and plant health

    · cleaning up the environment

    · digestion

    · effective for removing aflatoxins, which are cancer-causing toxins that come from mold that grows in nuts, legumes and seeds.


    · Royal Clay also targets positively charged particles that include:

    o Bacteria

    o Viruses

    o Parasites

    o Petrochemicals, heavy metals and other poisons

    · Replenishment: In addition to removing hazardous and unwanted substances, Pyrophyllite clay is packed with essential minerals it offers up to helps to replenish your body’s own supply.

    How Clay Works as a Natural Detox

    Clay is such an effective healing and detox agent for two main reasons, according to About Clay, and those reasons are absorption and adsorption.

    · Absorption: You meet the concept of absorption every time you use a sponge, and clay acts as a super-sponge by drawing a variety of other substances into its structure. In the case of clay, the substances that are drawn into the structure are the toxins in your system, which carry a positive charge and are naturally captured in the clay matrix.


    The clay particles don’t affect ions that carry a negative charge, which are generally the beneficial ions your body needs to function at its optimum levels.

    Adsorption: Adsorption is similar to absorption in its ability to attract and capture positively charged toxins, but it keeps those particles on the surface of the clay. Rather than drawing the negatively charged molecules into the layers of the clay particles like a sponge, adsorption acts more like a magnet, with the toxins sticking to the outer surface.


    External methods

    Your bath time can transform into detox time when you add loose clay to your bath water. Whether you’re going for a full-body soak or a concentrated foot bath, a soak with the clay can leave you free of toxins, and deeply relaxed.


    · clay slurry, or a thick mixture of clay and water. The slurry works well prior to a foot bath, as an all-over body detox or a detoxifying facial. Apply the slurry to an area that needs an extra boost and cover it with plastic overnight for an especially powerful purge.

    · enhance by including your personal needs with Young Living Essential Oils, Super Herbs, Super Foods i.e. algaes, digestive enzymes, probiotics the list expands as you tune into your body by asking "body what do you require at this time? and also tuning into what your favorites are by asking "If I chose you will you enrich, support meet my body's needs at this time?"



    Pyrophyllite is also a member of the smectite group of clays and is the basis of Royal Clay. Pyrophyllite makes one of the most powerful detoxifying clays known, partly due to its balanced mineral profile and partly due to its exceptionally small particle size going down to less than 1/10th of a micron.

    The smaller the particle size, the greater the surface area for the removal of toxins.

    Taken as a bulk clay internally, one gets the benefit of both cleansing of the blood and detoxification of the bowels (from where most of the toxins entering the blood are derived).

    Pyrophyllite was formed differently from the other clays mentioned, in that it began as an underground boiling lava soup that decomposed into a clay through an interaction with deep underground aquifer water, steam and pressure.

    It is believed that the manner in which a Pyrophyllite is made is the reason it possesses stronger detoxifying powers relative to other clays (one former auto mechanic found a 1/8th inch oil slick on the bottom of his first Royal Clay bath).

    Royal Clay’s rich electrolyte content (8 electrolytes comprising close to 10% of the clay) provides an abundance of free ions acting as antioxidants. Ions are required for rapid transport of toxins out of the cell and efficient transport of nutrients into the cell.

    Because Pyrophyllite easily breaks down in water, it can easily go down your drains after a relaxing clay bath without worry.

    It will also help your city sewer and improve biological activity in a septic system.

    For most people Pyrophyllite Clay is safe to use internally and actually slightly accelerates the bowels.

    See Royal Clay Instructions for Use for exceptions, or if you are on pharmaceutical drugs.

    Pyrophyllite Compared to Zeolite

    Zeolite is an excellent clay (I believe Nature has given us a number of great gifts within the clay world), however, Pyrophyllite has certain capabilities that exceed those of theZeolite family.

    Pyrophyllite is capable of holding toxins to the outside of its molecular structure like iron filings to a magnet (adsorbing), as well as absorb them like a sponge. Pyrophyllite’s negative electro-magnetic charge reaches deep into the tissues, organs and bloodstream to draw toxins to itself.

    Zeolite is an adsorbing-only clay capable of attracting a large amount of toxins to itself due to the large available surface area within the microsieve chamber structure of the Zeolite. However, the toxin must be small enough to enter into the chamber structure of Zeolite (less than 2 nanometers) to be carried away in abundance. Larger toxin molecules are less likely to be removed due to this limitation.

    Liquid Zeolite does very little to remove toxins in the most toxic organ of our body, the small intestines. To remove toxins from the intestines a bulk clay must be consumed.

    Pyrophyllite is both an adsorbing and an absorbing clay with a donut shaped combination of tetrahedral molecules mimicking the shape of a red blood cell. The geometric shape of a red blood cell constitutes the most efficient shape known for the absorption or disbursement of nutrients.

    Even a powered Zeolite must be heated to purge it of its accumulated load of environmental toxins. Heating a clay destroys both the clay’s natural biological benefits (soil based organisms) and its delicate balance of mineral ratios. While this may be necessary with a Zeolite in order to make room for an additional amount of toxins, Pyrophyllite does not require this purging process to be effective.

    A Zeolite does not offer many minerals to the body, as the microsieve structure does not easily break down into individual minerals to help the body perform its thousands of chemical/hormonal functions. A Pyrophyllite readily breaks down into its individual mineral components, thereby providing the body with a storehouse of mineral options to choose from in order to build its needed supplies of chemicals and hormones.

    A Side Note on Heating a Clay

    Heating a clay to the melting point of the various metals disturbs the clay’s original integrity. Heat is sometimes used to melt away certain “undesirable” elements within a clay, under the mistaken impression that this action will “purify” the clay. Instead, what you are left with is an unnatural assembly of mineral ratios (something Nature did not design), resulting in an end product that, when consumed, requires your own body to compensate for what is now missing in the altered clay. This compensation effect is due to the body’s ongoing attempt to create and maintain homeostasis, or balance.

    Disturbing Nature’s original balance of mineral ratios, or taking just one mineral at the exclusion of the full, natural complex of 70+ minerals and their naturally formed mineral ratios, can result in greater imbalances within the body with long-term consequences. A major New Zealand study found that taking the single mineral, calcium citrate, for several years raises the risk of heart attacks by 40%. [Am J Med 2002; 112:343 Ian R Reid, MDa. et al]. Minerals need each other in naturally-occurring ratios to provide the most effective service to the body.

    Comprehensive Nutritional Content and Bioavailability

    Pyrophyllite is naturally more abundant in both electrolytes and trace minerals than a processed Zeolite, so it provides greater nutritional value to the human body. Unaltered Pyrophyllite has a more balancing effect on the body from a nutritional point of view.

    Pyrophyllite clay is high in amorphous silica (free-form silica not yet structured into quartz), which forms mono and orthosilicic acids when brought in contact with water. Silicic acids are required to make minerals bioavailable to both plant and human. Silicic acids act as ligand escorts for minerals and other nutrients attempting to enter the cell walls. Without an acid escort, like humic acid, citric acid or silicic acid, neither minerals nor phytonutrients (plant-based) are able to pass through the cell wall.

    Taking Clay with Natural Vitamins and Food Sources

    Taking Pyrophyllite clay with natural remedies will actually enhance their mineral and nutrient absorption due to the presence of amorphous (unstructured) silica in the clay. While natural supplements are not recommended in combination with a Bentonite clay due to a concern over drawing beneficial nutrients from the body, an amorphous silica clay (as opposed to a structured quartz silica clay) makes other nutrients more bioavailable.

    The mono and orthosilicic acids formed out of the amorphous silica are also used by the body to build collagen and slow the aging process.

    Regeneration of Body Tissues

    Bioavailable amorphous silica is required by the body to repair damaged tissues, bone, tendons and cartilage.

    Pyrophyllite clay’s observed skin regenerative powers when applied to a cut, a bruise, an inflammation, or a cold sore is truly remarkable. In two instances I observed open wounds on the face being closed and regenerated in less than two weeks without even a scar. Scarless wound repair is best accomplished with the immediate application of clay to the wound, as scars are the direct result of a lack of amorphous silica in the body for collagen development.


    Ormalite is an angstrom mineral clay, rich in naturally-occurring M-state elements (single atom elements largely from the platinum group). Even amounts less than a pinch have noticeable effects on calming and centering the mind, increasing the meridian flow (chi) around the body and leaving one more in the heart. Due to its activation of the pineal gland, and therefore melatonin, sleep is improved when taken before bed, stress during the day is lessened, and a sense of well being is increased.

    Observations of Pyrophyllite and Ormalite

    From an observable point of view, we have frequently seen and experienced the reduction of inflammation and swelling following the application of a Manna Mist(concentrated Ormalite water) spray and/or a Royal Clay poultice, along with a more rapid regeneration of tissue. This indicates that the curent research being performed onRoyal Clay and Ormalite may well document some very promising findings.


    Vitallite is a naturally-occurring earthen mineral source (a clay) which nourishes adrenal and endocrine functions in such a way as to increase physical vitality, mental focus, and physical stamina.

    Vitallite Clay supplies the body with both macro minerals and trace minerals and has the natural soothing effects of an ormus (angstrom element) clay similar to Ormalite Clay, only not as concentrated. Vitallite & Ormalite’s

    To grasp some of the implications of what a powerful nourishing, detoxifying, health building clay can do for the human body, the following article offers insight into the possibilities: Royal Clay


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