The Reiki Distance Healing symbol –
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
(Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is pronounced "Hon-Sha-Zee-Show-Nen")
The symbol has a general meaning of: "No past, no present, no future" or it can have the meaning of "The Buddha in me contacts the Buddha in you".
The Distance symbol can, as its name implies, be used to send energies over a distance. Time and distance is no problem when using this Reiki symbol. Many practitioners consider Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen as the most useful and powerful symbol. The use of the symbol gives access to the "Akashic Records", the life records of each soul and can, therefore, be used in karmic healing. Trauma and other experiences from this life, previous or parallel lives that affect and mirror peoples' behaviors can be brought to light and released.
In doing distance healing be open! Do not focus your efforts on healing a specific problem like a headache. Send the Reiki energies without limitation as they will go where they are best needed. When doing distance healing the energies will work on the receiver's subtile body, the Chakras, and the Aura, and not as much on the physical level (i.e. it can take some time before the energies seep down to the body and ease for instance pain).
The person you are sending Reiki to is likely to feel it happening. If he/she has an open mind he/she can usually tell what you have done and when you have done it.
Distance healing does not take nearly as long as a hands-on treatment. You actually only need a few minutes to send distance healing. You can even set up a Reiki distance healing to automatically repeat sending energies to a person. If you want to do this I recommend that you put a time limit on the repeat (as it otherwise might continue forever) and also to renew and empower the distance healing every other day. Remember it is your intention that guides what happens!
Some uses:
Send Reiki healing to people far away.
"Beam" Reiki to people across the room.
Send Reiki energies to the future to help with a specific task or be there as a support.
Send Reiki to the past to lift up, to understand and release trauma.
Further information:
Describing how I do distance healing is not really relevant. If you put 10 Reiki Masters in a room they would probably all do distance healing in a different way. Absentee healing is basically a process of visualization i.e. imagine or "see" the person you want to send healing to and do it. You can use a photo if you have one, if not don't worry about it just send. Sometimes I send to people I don't really know (like a name I have received in an e-mail), I only have their name and city. No problem, it is the intention of sending Reiki to this unknown person that makes it work. My advice is to let go of all your doubts, formulate a clear intention, use the Reiki symbols and send the energies!
The form of the Distance symbols is complex and probably this is the symbol with most variations. It is a Japanese Kanji and represents the human body incorporating the chakras and the five elements.