The Reiki Power symbol - Choku Rei
(Choku Rei is pronounced: "Cho-Koo-Ray")
The general meaning of Choku Rei is: "Place the power of the universe here".
The power symbol can be used to increase the power of Reiki. It can also be used for protection. See it as a light switch that has the intention to instantly boost your ability to channel Reiki energy.
Draw or visualize the symbol in front of you and you will have instant access to more healing energies. Choku Rei also gives the other symbols more power when they are used together.
The symbol can be used anytime during a treatment but it is especially effective if it is used in the beginning of a session to empower the Reiki energy or when used at the end of a session to close the session and seal off the Reiki energies.
The Reiki Power symbol is, as I have said before, mainly a power switch but you can also assign it further uses. Remember it is always your intention that governs what happens. If you want to add new "functions" to the Power symbol then just have a clear statement and intention of what it is you want the symbol to do and it will do it for you.
Some uses:
Increase the power of your healing abilities; use it as a light switch. (Draw or visualize Choku Rei in front of you or draw it in your hands if you want.)
You can focus the Reiki energies (like a looking glass) on a specific point of the body. (Draw the symbol directly on the spot being treated.)
Increase the power of the other symbols. (Draw it before drawing the other symbols.)
One can use the Power symbol to close a space around the receiver and to stop the energies received to disappear from the body. (Draw it above the body with the intention of sealing the healing process.)
The Power symbol can be used to spiritually clean a room from negative energy, to leave it in light and make it a holy place. (Draw or visualize the symbols on all the walls, ceiling and floor with the intent to energize the room.)
You can clean crystals and other objects from negative energies. (Draw the power symbol above or on the crystal/object with the intent of cleansing it and restoring it to its original state. Hold the object in your hands and "give" it Reiki (or send it Reiki from a distance if it is too big to hold).)
Protect yourself from negative energies (from people you treat or people you meet). (Draw or visualize the Reiki Power symbol in front of you with the intent of being totally protected.) You can read more about this on my page about the "Aura shield".
Protect yourself, your children, your spouse, your house and other things you value. (Draw Choku Rei directly on the object/person you want to protect with the intent to protect him/her/it from harm.) Since Reiki works on all different levels of existence it will naturally also give protection on all levels of existence.
These are just a few uses. You can use your own intuition and imagination to find other uses for the Reiki Power symbol – Choku Rei. There are no limits to what you can do. The power is all in your mind, let your clear intention guide the function of the symbols.
Further information
For some reason many Reiki Masters will neglect to inform their Reiki 1 students that they can start using the Power symbol. The symbol has been "given" to the student during the Reiki 1 Attunement so why not teach how to use it?
Traditionally Choku Rei is supposed to be drawn anticlockwise (from left to right). I prefer to draw it clockwise (shown above) as this seems to work better for me and it also seems more logical. There is no right or wrong way, it is your intention that decides the function so just do what feels best for you.
The horizontal line represents the Reiki source. The vertical line symbolizes the energy flow, and the spiral that touches the middle line seven times represents the seven chakras.