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"Like a Phoenix, she will rise from the ashes of despair and soar."


Petra's real life story, could be fiction - only it's not.  Readers will find her life thought-provoking, mesmerizing--and perhaps even remarkable.
Sheltered and protected by her Catholic family, her story "Comatose", is one of the stories from Petra's Memoir - Petra's Ashes "A Transcendental Journey", which reveals a journey of unsettling discoveries and uncommon insights.
Through her near death experience, the extreme pain and sorrow of her exposure to the tragic death of her mother, suicide, depression, and realities of war. Being led to The Masters of the Far East, The Shaman's of North America and Mexico awakens her to the realization and vision that she has been given--to become transformed and more intuitive, authentic and soul-centered, which takes her on a journey that she now uses as tools to help others.

Petra's Ashes "A Transcendental Journey"

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